Proof Reading

Proof Reading

Proof reading is one of the most important elements when writing copy, and I am always encouraging colleagues and friends to check their work before they send it! Sending a piece of work to a client that is full of typos does not give off a good impression, whatever your profession.

As a professional copywriter, I have years of experience in proof reading and I can can make sure your work is grammatically correct, flows well and is typo free. I have a keen eye for detail and can spot smaller errors that could potentially be over-looked.

Employing a freelance proof reader to check over your copy is a good idea if you want to be certain that it’s correct. We all make mistakes, but it is my job to make sure they are NOT in your copy!

“As a professional writer I knew what I wanted to say – but it was reassuring to have Leana Kell proof read and review my content from a professional and SEO point of view. Leana was efficient and professional, and I would highly recommend her. I hope we can collaborate again in the future.”

Camilla Morton, International Fashion Writer & Best-selling Author